aardmannetje of stokstaartje ( Suricata suricatta ) slender-tailed meerkat
Afrikaanse reuzenmiljoenpoot ( Archispirostreptus gigas ) giant African millipede
amoerpanter of amoerluipaard ( Panthera pardus orientalis ) amur leopard
amoerpanter of amoerluipaard (Panthera pardus orientalis) amur leopard
berberaap of magot aap of makaak ( Macaca sylvanus ) Berber monkey
berberaap of magot aap of makaak ( Macaca sylvanus ) Berber monkey
Bijtschildpad ( Chelydra serpentina ) snapping turtle
blauwbuikscharrelaar ( Coracias cyanogaster ) blue bellied roller
blauwbuikscharrelaar ( Coracias cyanogaster ) blue bellied roller
blauwbuikscharrelaar ( Coracias cyanogaster ) blue bellied roller
Brazza meerkat ( Cercopithecus neglectus ) Brazza monkey
Brazza meerkat ( Cercopithecus neglectus ) Brazza monkey
Brazza meerkat ( Cercopithecus neglectus ) Brazza monkey
Brazza meerkat ( Cercopithecus neglectus ) Brazza monkey
Brazza meerkat ( Cercopithecus neglectus ) Brazza monkey
Brazza meerkat ( Cercopithecus neglectus ) Brazza monkey
degoe ( Octodon degus ) degu
dianameerkat ( Cercopithecus diana ) Diana monkey
Europese oehoe ( Bubo bubo ) European eagle owl
groene leguaan ( Iguana iguana ) iguana
jemenkameleon ( Chamaeleo calyptratus ) veiled chameleon
Kaapse griel ( Burhinus capensis ) spotted thick knee
Kaapse griel ( Burhinus capensis ) spotted thick knee
kleine flamingo ( Phoeniconaias minor ) lesser flamingo
kleine flamingo ( Phoeniconaias minor ) lesser flamingo
Konijn ( Oryctolagus cuniculus ) European rabbit or coney
Konijn ( Oryctolagus cuniculus ) European rabbit or coney
Konijn ( Oryctolagus cuniculus ) European rabbit or coney
Konijn ( Oryctolagus cuniculus ) European rabbit or coney
l'Hoëstmeerkat ( Cercopithecus lhoesti ) L'Hoest's monkey or mountain monkey
l'Hoëstmeerkat ( Cercopithecus lhoesti ) L'Hoest's monkey or mountain monkey
l'Hoëstmeerkat ( Cercopithecus lhoesti ) L'Hoest's monkey or mountain monkey
l'Hoëstmeerkat ( Cercopithecus lhoesti ) L'Hoest's monkey or mountain monkey
l'Hoëstmeerkat ( Cercopithecus lhoesti ) L'Hoest's monkey or mountain monkey
litschiewaterbok of moerasantilope of lechwe ( Kobus leche kafuensis ) Kafue lechwe
ocelot of pardelkat ( Leopardus pardalis ) ocelot
ocelot of pardelkat ( Leopardus pardalis ) ocelot
ocelot of pardelkat ( Leopardus pardalis ) ocelot
Oman wilde kat ( Felis silvestris gordoni ) Arabian wild cat
Oman wilde kat ( Felis silvestris gordoni ) Arabian wild cat